Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Jagers and Grenadiers

When on campaign, the grenadier companies of the Infantry Regiments are formed into converged grenadier battalions. The grenadiers of IR.1 Norbecker and IR.4 von Steiner are commanded by Major Karl Hausser of IR.1 and Major Heinz Eckhardt of IR.3 commands the grenadiers of IR.2 Markgraf Ludwig and IR.3 von Schlammersdorf. Major Hausser fancies himself quite the ladies’ man and can be found wherever beautiful women are. He is quite smitten with Katerina, the daughter of Baroness von Schroeder. Major Eckhardt on the other hand is studious and bookish, which belies his skill with the sword. He is fluent in several languages including Latin, French, and Italian as well as his native German.
Ludwig V would once again like to thank David Linienblatt of http://nba-sywtemplates.blogspot.com/ for his all of his work. Any uniform plate or flag seen here unless otherwise specified is derived from his excellent site.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Young Margrave's Forces-Part 2 The Foot
There are 4 regiments of foot under Ludwig’s banners. Each regiment is comprised of 12 musketeer companies and 2 grenadier companies. Total strength is 2,100 officers and men. When on campaign, the musketeer companies form 2 battalions of 5 companies each. The grenadier companies are stripped away to form composite battalions. The two remaining musketeer companies remain in their depot as a garrison and source of replacements for their regiment.
The most senior regiment, Norbecker, was formed in 1621 from Bohemian exiles, refugees from the debacle at White Mountain. Adolph Norbecker is a career soldier who rose from the ranks. He was commissioned by Ludwig IV in 1745 after he single handedly rallied his battalion after all the officers were killed or wounded. Despite the fact that Norbecker and his men were later surrounded and captured, Maurice de Saxe was so impressed that the survivors were allowed to return to the Pragmatic Army with their colors and two gold coins each. The regiment, although well drilled, is suffering under the regency of Baroness Schroeder. She has recently been diverting funds meant for the upkeep of the army to raising a series of new Freikorps to serve her aims. Unlike the other Inhabers of the Margraviate army, Oberst Norbecker, not being born to a noble house, lacks the personal wealth to make up for the shortfall in funding, consequently recruiting efforts have suffered.
The next regiment is that of Ludwig V himself. Regiment Markgraf Ludwig was formed in 1638 from the garrison of Odinburg. Although young Ludwig is not yet old enough to fulfill his duties as Inhaber, his guardian and mentor General-Leutnant Albert von Krause, used the chaos in the court surrounding Ludwig IV’s passing to secure for the youth the proprietorship and command of his father’s regiment, in order to ensure that the Baroness did not appoint some pox-ridden foreigner to the post. Young gentlemen normally do not join their regiments until age 12. Ludwig, barely 9 seems to be learning quickly. He mastered the manual of arms despite the musket being larger than he is. Major von Furstenburg, a protégé of Krause exercises command in all but name until such time as Ludwig V is able to assume the post.
The third regiment is that of Lothar, Freiherr von Schlammersdorf. This regiment’s appearance and performance routinely set the standard for the rest of the army. Ludwig IV recognized Schlammersdorf’s keen eye for detail when he appointed him Inspector General for the entire army. Schlammersdorf, despite his reputation as a stern taskmaster, abhors corporal punishment and will only flog the most incorrigible rogues, preferring instead to “Run them ‘til they vomit and then run them some more.” Because of this, the regiment is also the swiftest marching in the army and can often be found in the vanguard.
The most senior regiment, Norbecker, was formed in 1621 from Bohemian exiles, refugees from the debacle at White Mountain. Adolph Norbecker is a career soldier who rose from the ranks. He was commissioned by Ludwig IV in 1745 after he single handedly rallied his battalion after all the officers were killed or wounded. Despite the fact that Norbecker and his men were later surrounded and captured, Maurice de Saxe was so impressed that the survivors were allowed to return to the Pragmatic Army with their colors and two gold coins each. The regiment, although well drilled, is suffering under the regency of Baroness Schroeder. She has recently been diverting funds meant for the upkeep of the army to raising a series of new Freikorps to serve her aims. Unlike the other Inhabers of the Margraviate army, Oberst Norbecker, not being born to a noble house, lacks the personal wealth to make up for the shortfall in funding, consequently recruiting efforts have suffered.

The next regiment is that of Ludwig V himself. Regiment Markgraf Ludwig was formed in 1638 from the garrison of Odinburg. Although young Ludwig is not yet old enough to fulfill his duties as Inhaber, his guardian and mentor General-Leutnant Albert von Krause, used the chaos in the court surrounding Ludwig IV’s passing to secure for the youth the proprietorship and command of his father’s regiment, in order to ensure that the Baroness did not appoint some pox-ridden foreigner to the post. Young gentlemen normally do not join their regiments until age 12. Ludwig, barely 9 seems to be learning quickly. He mastered the manual of arms despite the musket being larger than he is. Major von Furstenburg, a protégé of Krause exercises command in all but name until such time as Ludwig V is able to assume the post.
The third regiment is that of Lothar, Freiherr von Schlammersdorf. This regiment’s appearance and performance routinely set the standard for the rest of the army. Ludwig IV recognized Schlammersdorf’s keen eye for detail when he appointed him Inspector General for the entire army. Schlammersdorf, despite his reputation as a stern taskmaster, abhors corporal punishment and will only flog the most incorrigible rogues, preferring instead to “Run them ‘til they vomit and then run them some more.” Because of this, the regiment is also the swiftest marching in the army and can often be found in the vanguard.
The Inhaber of the last regiment is Albrecht von Steiner. Steiner is an ambitious man, eager to cover himself in glory. He spent most of the last war confined to his bed with a broken leg and then a series of fevers that nearly cost him his life. An able soldier and administrator, Albrecht is also somewhat vain and takes with him on campaign enough baggage for a whole general staff. Oberst Steiner’s regiment is billeted in the capital Odinburg. Albrecht has lately been seen in the company of Katerina, the daughter of Baroness Liesel von Schroeder. General-Leutnant von Krause is sure to keep an eye on him for the immediate future.
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